installation | usage | extension

JDBC Tools Installation

Once you have downloaded the JDBC tools zip file, to start monitoring your JDBC application you need to take the following steps.

Note: These steps assume that you are going to start by using the pre-built JDBC Listener tools. There is guidance if you are going to use your own monitoring classes in the Extension guide.

  1. Unzip the file.The zip file contains the following files:
    • jdbc-tools/README
    • jdbc-tools/LICENSE
    • jdbc-tools/docs/index.html
    • jdbc-tools/docs/documentation.html
    • jdbc-tools/config/
    • jdbc-tools/config/
    • jdbc-tools/lib/jdbc-listener.jar
    • jdbc-tools/lib/jdbc-tools.jar
  2. Edit the delegate.driver entry in the file to contain the name of the database driver class that your application currently uses. For example, if you were using Oracle then the entry would look like:
  3. Ensure that the jdbc-tools.jar file and the file are on your applications Java CLASSPATH.
  4. Replace the driver name in your application with com.facdatum.jdbc.listener.driver.DriverListener and add listener: after jdbc: in the connection string. For example, the URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:testdb would become jdbc:listener:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:testdb.
  5. Run your application.

That's it! A jdbc-logging.log file should appear in the directory that you started the application from. The default configuration of JDBC Tools will start logging all calls, exits and exceptions from the JDBC layer.

If you want to know how to change this configuration then read the usage guide.

Notes on Application Server Installation

Installing JDBC Tools in an application server environment requires some variations on the steps above that are largely dependent on how JDBC Drivers and Datasources are set up in your application server.

  • The jdbc-tools.jar file should be placed in the application servers CLASSPATH. This is likely to most easily be achieved by placing the jar file into the application server ext directory.
  • The file should also be placed within the application servers CLASSPATH. Some application servers have a specific directory for placing configuration or properties files.
  • If you are using the application server to directly provide the JDBC Driver then change the configuration of the current driver (say oracle.jdbc.driver.Driver) to jdbc.facdatum.jdbc.listener.driver.DriverListener and configure the file as described above.
  • If you are accessing the database via a DataSource that is managed by the application server then you will need to do something similar to the following steps.
    1. Change the name of the current DataSource configuration. For example, if it is called jdbc/MyDataSource then call it jdbc/MyDataSourceDelegate.
    2. Create a new DataSource with the name of the DataSource that has just been changed. jdbc/MyDataSource in the current example.
    3. Configure this DataSource to use the jdbc.facdatum.jdbc.listener.driver.Driver JDBC Driver.
    4. Update the delegate.datasource entry in the file to contain the new name of the delegate DataSource. For example,
    5. Ensure that the new configuration is active within the application server and run your application.

There are more instructions related to Application Server installation in the Usage guide.

JDBC Tools Usage

The usage of JDBC Tools is controlled through a set of properties. The download package includes 2 properties files:

  • should be used if you are developing your own JDBCListener classes and contains the core listener properties.
  • includes the jdbc-listener properties plus has the properties for controlling the pre-built listeners.

In the rest of this guide we will detail each of the properties.

JDBC Listener Properties

The JDBC Listener allows you to add modules to the JDBC Driver that can be used for monitoring JDBC calls. This is done by specifying the listener classes and the name of the delegate JDBC Driver or DataSource.

jdbc.listener.classes List the classes that implement the JDBCListener interface that you want to be called during the execution of JDBC methods as a comma separated list. The order you list them is the order they will be called in. This is important if you are using a filtering JDBCListener. The fully qualified class name needs to be specified for each listener (e.g. code>jdbc.listener.classes=com.facdatum.jdbc.listener.filters.ListenerCallFilter, com.facdatum.jdbc.logger.JDBCLogger). Predefined listeners are:

  • com.facdatum.jdbc.logger.JDBCLogger
  • com.facdatum.jdbc.listener.filters.ListenerCallFilter
  • com.facdatum.jdbc.listener.filters.ListenerDurationFilter
  • com.facdatum.jdbc.planner.QueryPlanListener
driver.delegate If you are connecting to the database directly through a jdbc driver then place the name of the JDBC Driver class that you will be listening to calls to. Values for popular drivers are:
  • Oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  • DB2:
  • SQL Server:
  • MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
datasource.delegate If you are connecting to the database via a DataSource then place the name of the datasource that you are connecting to. For example, jdbc/myData.
datasource.props If the DataSource that you are using requires custom properties to be passed to it then list them here. They should be written as a comma separated list of name:value pairs. For example: datasource.props = serverName:theserver,portNumber:12345
The next three JNDI properties are only required if you are using a DataSource outside the context of a J2EE application server.
jndi.factory Specify the name of the JNDI naming factory class that will perform the lookup.
jndi.context.url Specify the URL that will be used to connected to the JDNI server.
jndi.context.props If necessary specify a list of additional custom properties for the naming context as a comma separated list of name:value pairs.

JDBC Listener Call Filter Properties

The JDBC Listener Call Filter allows the calls that will be monitored to be filtered based on either the JDBC method that is being called or the application code that is calling into the JDBC layer.

Each of the following filter properties is specified as a comma separated list of class expressions. The class expression can include an asterix (*) to denote a match of any number of characters. Examples of legal class expressions are:

  • com.mypackage.MyClass.myMethod to match a specific method
  • com.mypackage.MyClass.* to match all methods within a specified class
  • com.mypackage.* to match all classes within a specified package
  • *.myMethod to match all method calls of a specified name

jdbc.include List the JDBC calls to be included in listener calls. The default is * that matches all JDBC calls.
jdbc.exclude List the JDBC calls to be excluded from listener calls. The default is empty list that denotes no calls should be excluded.
app.include List the application calls to be included in listener calls. The default is * that matches all application calls.
app.exclude List the application calls to be excluded from listener calls. The default is empty list that denotes no calls should be excluded.

JDBC Listener Duration Filter

The JDBC Listener Duration Filter allows the execution of listeners to be filtered based on the execution time of a SQL statement. In this respect, it is only applied to calls that include or act on an SQL string.

The properties that can be used to control this listener filter are as follows.

jdbc.duration.filter.limit Sets the execution time limit for each call under which subsequent listeners will not be executed. Negative value means test is ignored.
jdbc.duration.filter.change Sets a limit on the change in execution time for an SQL statement, over which subsequent listeners will be executed. Conversely, if query executes within the bounds set then subsequent listeners will not be executed. The change is specified as a floating point number. For example, 0.5 sets the limit at 50% greater than initial execution time. Negative value means test is ignored. Sets the location to lookup any stored pre-seed execution durations from. If left blank then no pre-seeded times are used. The format of the stored file should be:

<sql string>:<duration in milliseconds>
<sql string>:<duration in milliseconds>

JDBC Logger Properties

The JDBC Logger logs all calls that it receives through to the JDBC Driver. It will log JDBC method calls and returns and SQLExceptions. The log is in the format:

timestamp|duration|calling method|message type|message

Where the message format is dependent on the message type:

  • CALL: object@JDBC interface method name/JDBC driver method name(args...)
    • If method is executing a piece of SQL then the parameters are listed after the standard message format.
  • EXIT: object@JDBC interface method name/ JDBC driver method name:return
  • FAIL: object@JDBC interface method name/JDBC driver method name:Exception

log.levels Set the log messages that should be displayed.
  • 'info' is the default and specifies that the standard JDBC call, exit and exception messages should be displayed.
  • 'debug' specifies that any debug messages within the logging code should be displayed in the log.
  • 'error' specifies that error messages generated by the logging code should be displayed in the log.

The log messages types that you want to display should be entered as a comma separated list. For example, log.levels=info,debug,error

log.path Set the directory into which the log file should be placed. By default, it will be placed in the execution location of the program that is being logged (.).
log.filename Set the filename of the log file that will be generated. The default is jdbc-logging.log.
By default the logger will log the method that called into the JDBC layer as the calling method in the log messsages. However, this may not always be the most useful point to log from the application point of view. For example, you may be using a persistence framework on top of JDBC or may be accessing data through your own data access classes. The following properties allow you to control the method that is recorded as the calling method within the application. Both properties are specified as a comma separated list of class expressions. The class expression can include an asterix (*) to denote a match of any number of characters. Examples of legal class expressions are:
  • com.mypackage.MyClass.myMethod to match a specific method
  • com.mypackage.MyClass.* to match all methods within a specified class
  • com.mypackage.* to match all classes within a specified package
  • *.myMethod to match all method calls of a specified name
call.include List the application components that are valid to record as calling methods within the log. The default is * that specifies that all components are valid.
call.exclude List the application components that should not be recorded as calling methods within the log. The default is an empty list that specifies that no methods are invalid calling methods.

JDBC Planner Properties

The JDBC Planner is dependent on the JDBC Logger and will log the query execution plan for SQL statements the first time they are called. These appear as PLAN messages in the log, where the query plan lines form the messsage body separated by ^ symbols.

Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL are supported by the default configuration. Instructions on how to add additional database platform support are provided in the Extension documentation.

driver.path Specifies the location of the JDBC driver library that will be used to connect to the database. For example, driver.path=/home/oracle/ojdbc14.jar.
driver.class Specifies the name of the JDBC driver class that will generate the connection to run the query plan on. For example, driver.class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.
driver.url Specifies the connection URL for the database to run the query plan on. For example, driver.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:server:1521:db.
driver.user Specifies the username that will be used to connect to the database.
driver.password Specifies the password that will be used to connect to the database.
jdbc.planner.repeat Specifies whether query plans should be repeatedly generated for the same
SQL statement. Default is false.

Extending JDBC Tools

There are two areas of JDBC Tools that allow for extension. These are to enable you to build your own monitoring plugin that will run within the JDBC listener infrastructure, and the second is to enable the query planning plugin to work on different database platforms. We take you through each of these steps in the following sections.

Building your own JDBC Listener

If you want to create your own monitoring code to plugin into the JDBC Tools framework then you simply need to implement a single Interface, the JDBCListener.

package com.facdatum.jdbc.listener;

public interface JDBCListener {

 * Method called before listener is used to set up any necessary
 * infrastructure.
void init();

 * Method called before a JDBC method is called on a JDBC interface.
 * @param event the details of the method call
void acceptBegin(ListenerCallEvent event);

 * Method called after a JDBC method is called on a JDBC interface.
 * @param event the details of the method return
void acceptEnd(ListenerReturnEvent event);

 * Method called when an exception is thrown by a JDBC method
 * on a JDBC interface.
 * @param event the details of the exception thrown by the method
void acceptException(ListenerExceptionEvent event);

The events that are passed into each of the acceptXXX methods contain all the information you need about the call that is being made to implement your monitoring code. Each inherits from the base ListenerEvent Interface.

package com.facdatum.jdbc.listener;

public interface ListenerEvent {

 * Returns the time of the JDBC event.
 * @return the event time
long getTime();

 * Returns the object called on the JDBC Layer.
 * @return the call object
Object getObject();

 * Returns the stack trace of calls into the JDBC layer.
 * @return the stack trace
StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace();

 * Helper method to return JDBC Method call from the stack trace.
 * @return the JDBC Method call
String getJDBCMethod();

 * Helper method to return the JDBC Method call from the JDBC interface
 * that has been called in the stack trace.
 * @return the method call on the JDBC Interface
String getJDBCInterfaceMethod();

 * Helper method to return the method that called into the JDBC Layer
 * from the stack trace.
 * @return the calling method
String getCallingMethod();

 * Sets whether subsequent calls to listeners should be filtered or not.
 * @param filter set to true to filter all calls to subsequent listeners
void setFilterListeners(boolean filter);

 * Returns whether subsequent calls to listeners for this call should
 * be filtered or not.
 * @return true if listeners should be filtered; false otherwise
boolean getFilterListeners();

This is extended for each of the specific details of a call, return or exception.

package com.facdatum.jdbc.listener;

public interface ListenerCallEvent extends ListenerEvent {

 * Returns the arguments to the JDBC method that was called.
 * @return the arguments
Object[] getArgs();

public interface ListenerReturnEvent extends ListenerEvent {

 * Returns the result from the call to the JDBC method.
 * @return the return value
Object getResult();

 * Returns the wrapped result from the call to the JDBC method. Added in
 * jdbc-tools version 1.1.)
 * @return the wrapped return value; or null if result is not wrapped

 * Returns the duration of the JDBC method call.
 * @return the duration
long getDuration();

public interface ListenerExceptionEvent extends ListenerEvent {

 * Returns the exception that was thrown by the JDBC method that
 * was called.
 * @return the arguments
Exception getException();

 * Returns the duration of the JDBC method call.
 * @return the duration
long getDuration();

Once you have implemented the JDBCListener interface and used the ListenerEvents to get the information you require, you can plug your code into the JDBC Tools infrastructure by editing the property file and adding your JDBCListener class to the jdbc.listener.classes property.


You can then run the application you want to monitor, ensuring that the, jdbc-listener.jar and your class files are on the CLASSPATH. (Note: if you want to use your listener in combination with some of the pre-built listeners then you should use the and jdbc-tools.jar files.)

Additional Notes:

  • If you are implementing a filter then you should perform your check in the appropriate method and then call ListenerEvent.setFilterListeners(true). For it to have an effect, it needs to be placed before other listeners in the jdbc.listener.classes list.
  • To implement different functionality for different JDBC calls, your method needs to check the JDBC Interface name (ListenerEvent.getJDBCInterfaceMethod()) and perform the required operations based on the returned value.

Porting the Query Planner JDBC Listener

A GenericPlanStatements query planner has been implemented which can be configured using a properties file. To create a new query planner properties you need to take the following steps.

  • Create a new directory com/facdatum/jdbc/planner/generic that is going to be picked up on the CLASSPATH of the application. (For example, if the directory config is on the CLASSPATH then create the new directory hierarchy within there.)
  • Create a properties file in the directory called GenericPlanStatements_<dbname>, where <dbname> is replaced with the database product name that is returned when calling getDatabaseProductName() on java.sql.DatabaseMetaData. (For example, an Oracle database properties file would be called GenericPlanStatements_oracle.)
  • Create entries in the properties file for the keys generateSQL, displaySQL and cleanupSQL.
    • generateSQL should contain the SQL that needs to be executed to create the query plan on the chosen database platform.
    • displaySQL should contain the SQL that needs to be executed to return the query plan on the chosen database platform.
    • cleanupSQL should contain the SQL that needs to be executed to delete the query plan on the chosen database platform.
    • supportsParameters should contain true if the database platform you are using supports parameters in query plan SQL. Otherwise false should be specified.

    Two parameters are passed to these statements '%1$s' contains the statement reference and '%2$s' contains the SQL that will be planned. These should be used appropriately in the properties.

Once you have done this and set the JDBCPlanner properties explained in the Usage documentation, you should see the query plans being logged. Here is an example of the GenericPlanStatements property file for Oracle.

generateSQL=explain plan set statement_id = '%1$s' for %2$s
displaySQL=select * from table(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY( \
cleanupSQL=delete from plan_table where statement_id = '%1$s'

If the way your database generates query plans does not fit into the GenericPlanStatements structure then you can implement the IPlanStatements interface.

package com.facdatum.jdbc.planner;


public interface IPlanStatements {

 * Returns the SQL string that will run the generate query execution plan
 * step on the supported platform.
 * @param statementID the id of the planned statement
 * @param sql the sql statement to be planned
 * @return the execution plan query string
String getGenerateStep(String statementID, String sql);

 * Returns the SQL string that will display the results of a previously
 * generated execution plan.
 * @param statementID the id of the planned statement
 * @param sql the sql statement to be planned
 * @return the display plan query string
String getDisplayStep(String statementID, String sql);

 * Returns the SQL string that will remove the generated plans resources.
 * @param statementID the id of the planned statement
 * @return the delete plan query string
String getCleanupStep(String statementID);

 * Returns whether the driver supports parameters within SQL used in
 * query plans.
 * @return true if parameters are supported; false otherwise
boolean supportsParameters();

 * Sets the connection to be used when running the query plan steps.
 * @param conn the connection
 * @throws SQLException if there is a problem connecting
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem connecting
void setConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException, IOException;

You then need to specify your class in the com/facdatum/jdbc/planner/ file. By default this has the entry:


Ensure that your version of this properties file appears before the jdbc-tools.jar in the CLASSPATH.